Monday, April 11, 2011

The Secret About Sisters...

It's really no secret at all. I think we all know what I'm talking about when I say, You'll never find a better friend than your sister. No one who understands you more, who you could rant to about your day, who you could more honestly open up to, get advice from, dress like, than your very own sister. It's something about looking alike and thinking alike and all those memories of playing barbies together! I watch my sister for everything I do. I watch just how she does her hair, how she brushes her teeth, and writes her letters. I mimicked everything about her hoping someday I can be as successful and awesome as her. I find that no one in this world better just gets me. You've seen it as well as I, it's something about wearing the same thing in corresponding colors and bows. There is a special bond between sisters. Seal it. With our sister's bracelet selection! Visit Our Site!

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